Take The Rose Witcher 3

  1. This is a guide to the quest titled Scenes From a Marriage from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on for information on objectives and possible rewards, as well as useful tips, strategies for completing the quest, and whether or not to take the rose. Witcher 3 Iris Sword; Take The Rose Or Not Witcher 3; Witcher 3 Violet Rose.
  2. Witcher 3: Take the Rose from Iris + Olgierd's Reaction (Hearts of Stone Expansion) - Duration: 3:12. XLetalis 198,990 views. Witcher 3 🌟 BLOOD AND WINE 🌟 The Unseen Elder Vampire.

'Geralt can choose to either take the rose to give Olgeird or not. Doing so will force Iris's spirit from the world, though it will also set the Cat and Dog free. If Geralt opts to leave her be, he will be transported back to the mortal realm and take a portion of the painting (featuring Iris and her purple rose) to Olgeird instead.' This is a guide to the quest titled Scenes From a Marriage from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on for information on objectives and possible rewards, as well as useful tips, strategies for completing the quest, and whether or not to take the rose. Witcher 3 Iris Sword; Take The Rose Or Not Witcher 3; Witcher 3 Violet Rose.

'Rose on a Red Field'
Secondary quest
Hearts of Stone
Garin Estate
The Alchemy
102 / 200
Evil's Soft First Touches

Rose on a Red Field is one of the quests available in Hearts of Stone.

After taking on the task from Olgierd von Everec at the beginning of Evil's Soft First Touches, exiting the mansion, Adela offers Geralt a job, and so this quest begins.

Journal entry[edit | edit source]

'The White Wolf', 'the Butcher of Blaviken' – Geralt gathered many sobriquets on his Path, one of which was the colorful and, I dare say, apt, appellation of 'Puss Peepers.' This he gained during his adventure with Olgierd, when a cheeky young woman in Olgierd's company pinned him as the man best able to track down the scoundrel who killed her friend, Kluivert.
Kluivert had indeed been killed. Though much time had passed since the murder, the witcher hoped he could still find enough evidence to establish who was responsible.
It turned out Kluivert's death was not the work of common bandits or deserters, but knights of the recently dissolved Order of the Flaming Rose. Geralt realized the brethren who had killed Kluivert were but part of a much larger contingent. To prevent any further such murders and fully avenge Kluivert, he would have to find the knights' leader.
The orders Geralt found on the knights he defeated not only shed light on their activities – they'd given up defending the defenseless and switched to brewing narcotics – but revealed the location of their hideout. Geralt decided to take a short break from monster hunting to pay their Grand Master a courtesy call.
Take The Rose Witcher 3
The witcher and the Grand Master did not take a liking to each other. After a short talk about the Order's past and mission, they moved on to armed combat. This fight could clearly have only one outcome – Ulrich met the same fate as his infamous predecessor, Jacques de Aldersberg.
With this Geralt of Rivia, alias 'Puss Peepers,' avenged Kluivert and completed the task allotted him. He collected his promised reward and set off on his Path.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

  • Investigate Bowdon for clues about Kluivert's murder using your Witcher Senses
  • Find the source of the strong odor using your Witcher Senses
  • Search the hut using your Witcher Senses (Warning letter)
  • Investigate around the hut for clues about the man who fled out the window
  • Look around for signs of the men who shot the bolt using your Witcher Senses
  • Follow the shooter's tracks using your Witcher Sense
  • Follow the horses' tracks
  • Defeat the knights
  • Explore the knights' camp (Orders to attack Bowdon)
  • Read the document you found in the fallen knights' camp
  • Find Thunder's journal and Letter with orders in the hut
  • Investigate the fallen knights' lab northwest of Brunwich
  • Use Axii to pass or defeat the guards near the entrance to the main lab and get the Rusty key to open the door
  • Defeat Ulrich and the rest of the fallen knights
  • Go to the woman who hired you to collect your reward

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • 40 additional can be earned by using Axii on the knights outside the hut.
  • Paying off the guards to the fisstech laboratory with 1000 yields 100 extra.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Abandoned fisstech operations in Bowdon.

  • The unfortunate Kluivert with an arrow in his back.

  • At the fallen knights' lab.

  • The leader of the fallen knights.

  • Collecting the reward from Adela.

Retrieved from 'https://witcher.gamepedia.com/Rose_on_a_Red_Field?oldid=425774'

Last updated on August 7th, 2015

This article is an introduction to the events of The Witcher based on the games. It was lovingly put together by hard-working fan Jarrod Mawson ‏@eatchildren_au

We have converted the content to text as well as presenting his image so that users who cannot download large files still can access the information. Republished with permission. Enjoy!

A simple infograph aimed at updating new “The Witcher” fans with the narrative basics in preparation for Wild Hunt. Written from a perspective of no prior novel knowledge, only information supplied in-game.

Conjunction of the Spheres

A cosmic cataclysm, over 1,500 years before the story begins, which collided several parallel universes, trapping numerous “unnatural” beasts and creatures in this dimension, along with magic. Elvish legends believe Humans too first appeared after the cataclysm, their own world having being destroyed…

The Continent

Unnamed continent where the story takes place. First home to gnomes, then hundreds of years after the cataclysm settled by elves arrlvlng on 31 white ships. Hundreds of years later agaln the first human settlers land, conquer, and begin their rule.

Witcher 3 Succubus Romance

Do i take the rose witcher 3

Nations, Empires and Groups

Nilfgaardian empire

Icy tower online game. The most powerful empire in the known world, located In the southern half of the continent. Ruled by Emhyr var Emrels, Nilfgaard is notorious for military, economy, and aggressive expansion, and historical antagonism and war with the Nothern realms.

The “Rome” of The Witcherverse.

Northern Kingdoms

Human lead regions, including the Kingdoms of Temerla, Aedlrn, Kaedwen, Redania, and so on, under no united imperialistic rule. Home to many species, where non-humans are treated as second-class citizens. The Northern Klngdoms are where The Witcher games mostly take place.

Sorcerers & Sorceress

Mages naturally attuned to and educated In controlling “Chaos”, the magic of the world. As a Council or Lodge, mages are often seen sided with royalty as appolnted advlsors, though have been the target of persecution through “witch hunts” as society rejects the use of arcane arts.


Warrior monks trained and mutated specifically to hunt monsters. Expert fighters, adept alchemists. and able to harness magic through signs.

Witchers are raised to stay emotionally distant from politics and social Issues, though are considered outcast by many.

As the world has fewer beasts, so too the need for Witchers.


Non-human guerillas, often referred to as Squirrels, fighting against discrimination. Scoia’tael units are known for violent assaults against human caravans and villages. often recklessly causing deaths of Innocents. The cause may be just, but their actions continue to breed conflict between races.

The Wild Hunt

Spectral wraiths and omen of death, reported to appear mainly in winter and after bloody conflict, abducting souls. Many theories exist on the Wild Hunt, and some do not consider hem anything more than an Illusion.

Escaped abductees however tell ales of strange alternate worlds, unicorns and elven gardens…

Geralt of Rivia

Our hero. Geralt is a veteran Witcher, who awakes at the beginning of The Witcher, five years after his reported death, with an unfortunate case of amnesla. Geralt’s Journey centers around his struggle to regain his memory and identity, re-Iearn the important figures of his past, how he lost his memory and returned from death, and why he is seemingly pursued by a spectral wralth known as the King of the Wild Hunt.

Geralt’s Journey begins with a bang: reulnlted wlth on-and-off lover and sorceress, Triss Merigold, Geralt, his fellow Witchers (including Geralt’s father figure, Vesemir) embark on a quest to recover stolen Witcher secrets. The adventure sees them enveloped in conspiracy and conflict, particularly between the militant non-human opposlng, anti-magic Order of the Flaming Rose, and rebellious units of Scoia’tael.

Eventually Geralt would uncover the thief and chief conspirator: Jacques de Aldersberg, Grand Master of the Order of the Flamlng Rose, who belleved hls actlons necessary to prepare mankind for surviving Ithlinne’s Prophecy.

The Wolf’s Blizzard approaches, the time of the sword and axe. The Time of the White Frost and White Light, the Time of Madness and Disdain, Tedd Deireadh, the Final Age. The world will perish amidst ice and be reborn with the new sun. Reborn of the Elder Blood, of Hen ichaer, of a planted seed. A seed that will not sprout but burst into flames!” The Grand Master defeated, Geralt came face-to-face wlth the Wlld Hunt, who offered no answers, other than clarifying its desire to reclaim Geralt’s soul.

Geralt was quickly thrust on a new mission: an assassin named Letho, also a Witcher, was killing kings In the Northern Kingdoms. And unllke the last, this adventure would have Geralt regain fragments of his memory and further guide his journey. for Letho knew Geralt personally.

Geralt learned of his death at the hands of a pitchfork peasant while defending non- humans during a riot. Hls llfe was saved by Yennefer, a raven haired sorceress and lover, who gave her own for his, the two then teleported to safety by an ashen haired girl. However, the lover’s peace was quickly disrupted, for the King of the Wild Hunt appeared and stole Yennefer away, Geralt in hot pursuit.

During a final confrontation Letho would reveal all. Geralt recalled Letho helping him track the Wild Hunt, and Letho explalned how Geralt offered the Hunt his soul In return for Yennefer’s. The Hunt accepted. While Geralt rode with the Wild Hunt (and eventually escaped), Letho cared for Yennefer, who too suffered from amnesia. her troublemaking ultimately getting them caught and partlng ways In the Nllfgaardlan Empire.

Should I Take The Rose Witcher 3

As for the assassinations, Letho laid out hls cards: sorceresses schemed for power and kings continued to war. Backed by Emhyr var Emreis, Emperor of Nilfgaard, he capitalise
on the situation to seed chaos into the North, weakening them for an imminent invasion In return, the Emperor promised Letho to rebuild his Witcher school, and give him and his kind a renewed place In the world.

And so Geralt enters the final stage of his journey. Nilfgaard successfully invaded, sweeping across the Northern Kingdoms, though some resistance remains. Emperor Emhyr var Emrels seeks Girl, the ashen haired girl from Geralt’s past. claiming she is connected to a prophecy. Meanwhile Yennefer, Geralt’s lost lover sorceress he saved from the Wild Hunt, has too reappeared, now In the North, also searching for Girl.

Witcher 3 Take The Rose From Iris

While men war and spill blood, a full moon omen sees the manifestaton of the Wild Hunt wraiths in physical form, the King of the Wild Hunt locked on a mission not unlike others: Ciri.

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Made by EatChildren (@eatchildren_au) at 4am.
Forgive spelling, grammatical, and lore errors.
Bearded Geralt forever.Tab content 1